
Dojo Etiqutte

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Dojo Etiqutte

Standing Bow

Hands to your side, bend at waist, show respect with bow gesture

Kneeling (Seiza)

Kneel down sitting back on your foot. Hands gentle placed just above knees

Bowing in Seiza

Place both hands palm down infront of you, thumbs and index fingers touching in a triangle shape

Entering and Exiting the Dojo

Bow in a formal stance standing at the entrance, facing the dojo or towards the front of the dojo, whether you are entering or exiting the dojo.


Try not to be late. If you are late, bow at the dojo door, then quietly stand off the edge of the tatami (mats) until the instructor or Sensei acknowledge you and bows you onto the mat. Return the bow with a vocal “oos” and quickly join the group. If you arrive just as everyone is kneeling at the beginning, just wait until warm-up starts, and bow in as described above.

Opening Sequence

“Seiza!”: If instructed, sit down in seiza, so that knees are aligned with the person on your left.

“Shomen ni rei!”: Bow to the front of the room (this signifies bowing to the institution of karate and to the line of instructors who brought it to your instructor).

“Sensei ni rei!”: Bow to the Sensei.

“Sempen ni rei”: Bow to the Sempais.

“Otagan ni rei”: Bow to all in the dojo vocalising the phrase “oos”

At the signal of the instructor and the verbal command “tate” get up quickly in either formal closed stance or "yoi dachi" as commanded by the instructor.

Closing sequence

Bow out the same as the opening sequence either standing or in "seiza" as instructed

During the final bow to the instructor, you can say “arigatou gozaimashita", which means “Thank you.” “Thank you” in English is okay, too.


Before class starts, there is usually some sort of cleaning and/or set up of the dojo. During this time, actively participate to whatever extent you can. Don’t sit back and stretch when others are still cleaning or setting up.

General Etiquette Guidelines During Training

- The moment class starts, your mind should be focussed on your training. Concentrate, give spirited "kiai" and don’t talk unnecessarily. (This is under “etiquette” because doing otherwise would be disrespectful to the instructor, as well as to yourself.)

- Don’t wear jewellery, watches, etc.

- No eating on the matts.

- Whenever you’re told to move from one part of the room to another, do it quickly. Also, don’t pass in front of anyone – display courtesy and go behind and around

- Whenever you’re asked to stand back or sit back and watch, do so in a normal standing or kneeling position, silently, without leaning on walls or distracting others. If you’re ever in a kneeling position and you’re uncomfortable, it’s generally okay to bow and then switch to sitting cross-legged.

- If you ever need to leave a class early, let the instructor know beforehand.

- You must show respect by bowing to any partner.

- If you’re ever asked to count, count in whatever language you feel comfortable but practice Japanese counting and slowly introduce it into your counting.

- Follow normal rules of etiquette that apply

Other things you should know

- “Kiai” is a powerful yell or shout used to focus energy and intimidate opponents in karate

- Don’t be afraid to kiai! The overall tone of a class is set by the level of spirit of the class, which can be raised with better "kiai".

- Do not hesitate to ask senior students and instructors for help.