This website is owned and operated by Shoto Karate Australia (SKA). By visiting our website and accessing the information, resources, services, products, and tools we provide, you understand and agree to accept and adhere to the following terms and conditions as stated in this policy.
1) Trials attending our KARATE classes agree to make an effort to follow the Code of Conduct (DOJO KUN) and SKA’s COVID-19 Safe General Guidelines.
2) The person attending our KARATE classes completely understands that KARATE can be a dangerous sport. Any child or adult participating in training and activities associated with the practice of KARATE does so at their own risk. The parent and/or guardian(s) and child(ren) hereby absolves and indemnifies SKA, coaches and other students from all liability arising from injury, death or damage however caused, including by the negligence of the indemnified, and arising out of any activity carried on by the indemnified.
3) We reserve the right to refuse membership to any individual without explanation.
4) Membership is offered at SENSEI George’s discretion. We retain the right to refuse membership on grounds of bad/disrespectful behaviour by the students and/or parent.
Decisions and actions at SKA contribute to a safe environment placing great importance on the safety of students. We ensure instructors keep valid accreditation with the Australian Karate Federation (AKF). Our training venue is always equipped with a first aid kit and injury record forms to manage accidents.
We believe we all have the right to train in a COVIDSafe environment. Decisions at SKA contribute to stopping the spread of this disease. Instructors and administrators complete the Australian Government, Department of Health Infection Control Training – COVID-19. As part of SKA’s COVID-19 Policy, our training venue is equipped to contribute to individual hygiene. At SKA, we follow a strict Hygiene & Cleaning Protocol in addition to keeping an Attendance Record.
If you have any questions or comments about our Terms & Conditions as outlined above, you can contact us at: This agreement is in effect as of 25th NOV 2023
This website is owned and operated by SKA. By visiting our website and accessing the information, resources, services, products, and tools we provide, you understand and agree to accept and adhere to the following terms and conditions as stated in this policy (hereafter referred to as ‘Membership Agreement’).
1) As a member of SKA, you agree to these Terms & Conditions. Where members are children, this agreement also extends to their parents/guardians.
2) As a member of SKA, you agree to the SKA Policies (upheld for student safety and protection). Please read.
3) Members will make an effort to follow the Code of Conduct (DOJO KUN) and SKA’s COVIDsafe General Guidelines.
4) Members understand that all content and materials available on, including but not limited to text, graphics, website name, code, images and logos are the intellectual property of SKA. Any inappropriate use, including but not limited to the reproduction, distribution, display or transmission of any images or content on this site is strictly prohibited, unless specifically authorised by SKA.
5) Members understand that solely they are responsible for, and SKA will not be liable for, any consequences, losses, or damages that we may directly or indirectly incur or suffer due to any unauthorised activities conducted by you, as explained above, and may incur criminal or civil liability.
6) Members completely understand that KARATE can be a dangerous sport. Any member participates in training and activities associated to the practice of KARATE at their own risk. The member or his/her representatives hereby absolves and indemnifies SKA, coaches and other students from all liability arising from injury, death or damage however caused, including by the negligence of the indemnified, arising out of any activity carried on by the indemnified.
7) All classes are subject to venue availability.
8) All classes are subject to Australian Government regulation in relation to COVID-19.
9) On the day of enrolment and each time you or your child uses our DOJO, you promise us that:
– you/your child are in good physical condition;
– you know of no medical or other reason why you/your child cannot or should not do active or passive exercise.
10) We reserve the right to close a class due to small numbers and to reallocate enrolled members in a class at a different time and/or day.
11) We reserve the right to refuse membership to any individual without explanation.
12) Members will not teach KARATE publicly or privately unless with the explicit authorisation of SENSEI George.
13) We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove parts of this Membership Agreement, at any time. It is your responsibility to check this Membership Agreement periodically for changes. Your continued training/active membership following the posting of changes to this Membership Agreement will mean that you accept and agree to the changes.
Decisions and actions at SKA contribute to a safe environment, placing great importance on the safety of students. We ensure instructors keep valid accreditation with the Australia Karate Federation. Our training venue is always equipped with a first aid kit and injury record forms to manage accidents.
Please follow our general guidelines for COVIDsafe training for children:
– Parents are to drop off and pick up for Tiger Classes, aged 5 and up. Parent/s are welcome to stay duration of the class. Thank you!
– If possible, students should come to training already changed, however changing booths are provided.
– Disinfect or wash your hands before you enter the DOJO.
– Students who arrive early should wait and warm up and not disrupt class.
– Keep KARATE uniforms clean and bring your own water bottle.
– Monitor your health status and stay away from KARATE when ill until symptoms fully resolve.
- Of course, keep coughing or sneezing into your elbow and observe social distancing inside the DOJO and when you travel to and from the DOJO!
Please follow our general guidelines for adults:
– Disinfect or wash your hands before you enter the DOJO.
– Keep KARATE uniforms clean and bring your own water bottle.
– Monitor your health status and stay away from KARATE when ill until symptoms fully resolve.
- Of course, keep coughing or sneezing into your elbow and observe social distancing inside the DOJO and when you travel to and from the DOJO!
• Memberships are renewable for every school term but can be cancelled at anytime by SKA if deemed necessary or appropriate. If membership is cancelled, monthly tuition will also be ceased.
• Membership is offered at SENSEI George’s discretion. We retain the right to refuse membership or to cancel membership without explanation, or on grounds of bad/disrespectful behaviour by the student(s) and/or parent(s).
• Members are not entitled to refunds of the membership fee.
• Members tuition will be adjusted in the event of the closure of the dojo, due to lockdowns imposed to help limit the spread of COVID-19 ie. students will not incur tuition fees for the duration of the dojo’s closure.
• Members are not entitled to refunds of tuition.
• Members are only eligible to train if they have no outstanding fees.
• Members are only eligible to grade (or stripe) if they have no outstanding fees.
• We encourage students to train regularly for their own benefit.
Thank you for visiting SKA. We are committed to protecting your privacy. Personal details provided in forms, correspondence or in conversation will only be accessible to your instructor and authorised persons assigned administrative or relevant responsibilities. Details you provide will only be used for the purpose for which you provide and will not be disclosed to unauthorised parties without your consent, unless required by law.
If you have any questions or comments about our Terms of Service as outlined above, you can contact us at: This agreement is in effect as of 25th NOV 2023.