
SKA Policy


SKA Policies

1. Blood Spillage and Body Fluids Rule

The student/athlete is responsible for the prompt and thorough cleaning of their soiled clothing and protective gear. The dojo is responsible for cleaning of any blood or bodily fluid on the tatami. See below.

The bleeding individual/student must:

1.Immediately notify Sensei that they are bleeding and leave the tatami, for prompt medical attention. If Sensei sees the individual/athlete is bleeding, she will instruct them to leave the tatami immediately.

2.The student/athlete’s injury/wound must be treated (no further bleeding) with the affected area completely and securely covered. They can only return to the tatami on advice from Sensei or the treating first aider.

3.The individual must remove all soiled or bloody clothing and or protective gear (eg. gloves, shinguards, chest protector) and are solely responsible for the prompt and thorough cleaning of any soiled gi, clothing or protective gear. It is the responsibility of the student/athlete to ensure they have a replacement Gi and replacement protective equipment. A student/athlete is not allowed onto the tatami with wet or dry blood stains on their Gi or on any protective equipment.

Blood or body fluids spilt on the tatami or floor must be cleaned promptly. The dojo has a Blood and Bodily Fluid Cleaning Kit. This Kit is used only for the purpose of dealing with spilt blood and or body fluid on the mat and or immediate surrounding area. Sensei, the first aid officer or person responsible for cleaning must:

1.Wear disposable vinyl gloves (offers two way protection). Use a new set of gloves for each person & dispose of immediately after use. Wash hands immediately after gloves are disposed of.

2.CLEAN 1: Apply disposable paper towel or disposable cloth to remove blood or bodily fluids from tatami or floor. Place in resealable bag to be discarded.

3.CLEAN 2: Clean soiled and surrounding area with household bleach (5.25% sodium hypochlorite) or approved Hospital Grade disinfectant (as approved by Sports Medicine Australia).

4.CLEAN 3: Clean the area with detergent and water solution and allow to dry

*Any clothing or equipment that has been contaminated must be cleaned or replaced before the individual resumes training.

2. Infectious Diseases Policy

A student/athlete with any open cut or abrasion must report it to Sensei prior to entry onto the tatami. The student/athlete agrees not to enter the tatami or wooden training area with any open cut or abrasion, and agrees to cover any cut or abrasion before entering the training area. A student or athlete with prior evidence of an infectious disease (eg Viral Hepatitis / HIV AIDS) is to obtain doctor’s clearance prior to attending classes, training, competing, or grading, and is required to present the doctor’s clearance to the office prior to commencement or recommencement of training.

3. Pregnant Student/Athlete Policy

There may be risks involved with pregnant women starting or continuing their participation in sport or karate.

The pregnant student/athlete must:

- obtain expert medical advice, and obtain a clear understanding of the risks of participating in karate as a sport

- before making the decision about whether to start karate or continue in karate training and participation, the student/athlete must: obtain a medical certificate from her doctor stating that “FULL NAME is able to continue in the sport of karate”

- advise Sensei of your pregnancy

- regularly review the training program with your medical adviser; and

- consider your insurance cover to ensure that it is adequate and relevant

Should the pregnant student/athlete decide to start or continue continue in the sport of karate, she must at all times:

- use common sense and not take unnecessary risks

- take into account her changes in physical condition

- not increase the intensity of training

- always work at less than 75 per cent of your maximum heart rate; and

- watch for warning signs, such as bleeding or abdominal pain, and see a doctor immediately if these occur

- agree that it is her sole responsibility to ensure that she is not involved in any activity that puts her or her unborn child at risk of being injured or harmed in any way.

4. Child Safe Policy

We are committed to ensuring child safety at SKA. We adhere to the current 11 Victorian Child Safety Standards:

Standard 1. Organisations establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.

Standard 2. Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture.

Standard 3. Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.

Standard 4. Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.

Standard 5. Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice.

Standard 6. People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.

Standard 7. Processes for complaints and concerns are child-focused.

Standard 8. Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.

Standard 9. Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.

Standard 10. Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is regularly reviewed and improved.

Standard 11. Policies and procedures document how the organisation is safe for children and young people.

5. Discrimination Policy

The aim of this policy is to prevent discrimination and harassment whilst at training/competing/grading at events organised by SKA.
Instructors, officials, and athletes associated with SKA are responsible for understanding, implementing and following this policy.
Where an athlete feels discriminated against or harassed, for whatever reason, they must immediately bring this to the attention of Sensei.
It is also against the discrimination law to victimise a person who is involved in making a complaint of discrimination or harassment.


Direct discrimination means treating or proposing to treat someone less favourably than someone else because of a particular characteristic.

Indirect Discrimination means imposing or intending to impose an unreasonable requirement, condition or practice that is the same for everyone, but which has an unequal or disproportionate effect on the individual or group of people.

The characteristics covered by discrimination law across Australia include:

• Age;

• Disability;

• Family/carer responsibilities;

• Gender identity/transgender status;

• Homosexuality and sexual orientation;

• Irrelevant medical record;

• Irrelevant criminal record;

• Favouritism;

• Political belief/activity;

• Pregnancy and breastfeeding;

• Race;

• Religious belief/activity;

• Sex or gender;

• Social origin; and

• Education

Some States and Territories include additional characteristics such as physical features or association with a person with one or more of the characteristics listed above.


Age: The club refuses to allow an older person to teach simply because of age.

Breastfeeding: A mother breastfeeding her baby at the club is asked to leave.

Disability: A junior athlete is overlooked because of mild epilepsy.

Family responsibilities: The club decides not to promote an employee because he has a child with a disability even though the employee is the best person for the job.

Favouritism: where an athlete is allowed to do additional classes when this has not offered to all athletes.

Homosexuality: An athlete is ostracised from the club after telling fellow athletes that she is a lesbian/he is gay.

Marital Status: An athlete is deliberately excluded from activities and social functions because of being single.

Pregnancy: A woman is dropped from her squad when becoming pregnant.

Sex: Specialist coaching is only offered to male players in a mixed team.

Harassment is any type of behaviour that the other person does not want and that is offensive, abusive, bullying, belittling or threatening. The behaviour is unwelcome and of a type that a reasonable person would recognise as being unwelcome and likely to cause the recipient to feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. Harassment may be a single incident or repeated; it may be explicit or implicit, verbal or non-verbal.

Intended or unintended harassment is irrelevant as the focus is on the impact of the behaviour.

Unlawful harassment includes the above but is either sexual or targets a person because of their race, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation or other characteristic (see characteristic list under discrimination).

The basic rule is if someone else finds it harassing then it could be considered harassment.

Some exceptions to State and Federal anti-discrimination laws apply. Examples include:

• holding a competitive sporting activity for females only who are 12 years of age or over where strength, stamina or physique is relevant; and

• not selecting a participant if the person’s disability means he or she is not reasonably capable of performing the actions reasonably required for that sporting activity.

Requesting, assisting, instructing, inducing or encouraging another person to engage in discrimination or harassment may also be against the law.

It is also against discrimination law to victimise a person who is involved in making a complaint of discrimination or harassment. Example: a player is ostracised by her male coach for complaining about his sexist behaviour to another club official or for supporting another player who has made such a complaint.

Public acts of racial hatred which are reasonably likely to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate are also prohibited. This applies to spectators, participants or any other person who engages in such an act in public. A player is ostracised by her coach for complaining about his racist behaviour to another club official.